Factory Outlet – sorted on socket type

The factory outlet section of EVOlineStore offers a shopping experience to customers who seek EVOline brand name products at (much) lower prices. There are several sub-sections, sorted per power socket type.

Factory Outlet Stock

Outlet items are stock items, that can be shipped the same day. Please be aware that these items are limited to the stock volume. Outlet items cannot be back-ordered with the same conditions or prices.

Design for the best price

All EVOline Outlet products are brand new in the box. Meaning, they were never used before. Unused, so not even on roadshows or showrooms.

Outlet BF (Belgium / France, Type-E) Outlet VDE (Schuko-German, Type-F) Outlet UK (United Kingdom, Type-G)

Attention, these units are equipped with UK-style power sockets
These power sockets are used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and many countries in the middle and far east.