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EVOline Wing, this is how drawers are safely electrified

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EVOline Wing, this is how drawers are safely electrified

The horizontal and vertical cable management system for all movable and extendable furniture parts. EVOline Wing is the solution for in-drawer-fitted sockets and charging systems.Wing guides cables behind the drawer to save space without bending or jamming them, ensuring that drawers open and close easily. Added to kitchens or workrooms, wooden or metal rear panels, the fitted so- lution can be mounted as required so that connections are easily accessible and securely concealed in the storage space.

Suitable for all types of cables

Suitable for all types of cables such as HDMI, LAN, all the way to wire ones that prevent drawers from being opened out all the way.

EVOline Wing is compatible

The EVOline Wing is compatible with a wide range of EVOline systems, according to your wishes or requirements.